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Meet Natalie Savage, CILEX Lawyer for the NHS


Natalie Savage is a CILEX Lawyer and Advocate for NHS Wales, working in their Legal & Risk Services team.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do

I am a CILEX Lawyer, assisting with the investigations and defence of clinical negligence claims made against Welsh Health Bodies. I have worked for the NHS for over eight years, having worked for the Personal Injury Team before transferring to the Clinical Negligence Team shortly before qualifying in 2017. In 2021, I successfully completed the CILEX Litigation & Advocacy course.

A typical day includes advising the client on various clinical negligence claims brought against them but also identifying lessons to be learned from such claims. I provide ad-hoc advice with regard to the National Health Service (Concerns, Complaints and Redress Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2011. I also advise on and represent my client at Inquests. I am currently working from home although have regular meetings and catch-ups with my team/colleagues via MS Teams, to try and replicate an ‘office environment’.

I have a young family and spend most of my spare time cooking, cleaning or going to toddler groups. I enjoy baking and walking – I live in a mountainous area of South Wales which boasts tremendous scenery.

What made you choose the CILEX route?

I studied for my LLB Law Degree on a part-time basis, whilst working a full-time job (an office assistant for a SME). I couldn’t afford to study the LPC and a handful of jobs that I applied for came to nothing. I almost felt that I had wasted my degree. I didn’t know about CILEX at the time.

I was told about a paralegal job with NHS Wales and I thought I’d go for it, although I didn’t think I’d be successful. It came as a bit of a shock when I was offered the position. The person who interviewed me later told me that my commitment to study whilst working was one thing that shone on my CV. He was looking to introduce CILEX lawyers into the department and felt that I may be a good candidate, given that I had a proven track record of studying whilst working. I was keen to progress and knew I had a lot to give to the company, and lots to learn, therefore when I was presented with the opportunity to be supported whilst studying, I grabbed it with both hands.

A banner with a quote "CILEX has allowed me to be challenged, to push myself and to become the best version of myself. I would not have had this opportunity otherwise."

How has CILEX impacted your life?

Whilst I enjoyed my previous job, it was not mentally challenging or stimulating. I knew I had more to give, I just did not know how. CILEX has allowed me to be challenged, to push myself and to become the best version of myself. I would not have had this opportunity otherwise.

How has CILEX helped you achieve your goals and what are your future aspirations?

I would never have thought that I would be a lawyer working in such a complex area of law. Studying via CILEX allowed me to gain a recognised qualification whilst working full-time (and paying the bills). I have recently obtained practice rights which will allow me to progress within my organisation. I have a young family which takes up most of my time and energy, although I am considering whether or not a role in the Judiciary may be the next step for me (although perhaps when my children are a little older).

What would you say to anyone considering the CILEX route?

I believe that the CILEX route offers maximum flexibility and affordability to those who believe that time and finances are a barrier to a legal profession. I know of professional sportsmen and women, those with young families and those who simply want the convenience of a full-time job, who have qualified via CILEX, as the course fits in around their lifestyle, and not the other way around. You can take things step-by-step and choose how quickly you wish to progress.

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