Dreams made possible with the Millicent Grant Scholarship

Written by Millie Coletta | 07-Mar-2022 09:59:19

Stephanie Abbey is one of the first cohort of students to be awarded a Millicent Grant Scholarship by the CILEX Foundation. She explains how life events got in the way of her completing a law degree and what winning the scholarship means to her.

“I’ve always been interested in the law. I studied government and politics at A Level and began considering a career in human rights or immigration law.

I was accepted onto a law degree in 2011 but part way through my studies my mother passed away and I just couldn’t continue.

I began working in temporary administrative roles but still maintained an interest in the law, finding positions in law firms where possible. In 2018, I decided I needed to go back and finish my degree.

I made it to my final year but a difficult pregnancy causing extreme morning sickness meant it was tough to hold down my part time job as well as study. I struggled on but went into labour whilst sitting my final exams.

After my daughter was born, I looked at whether I could finally finish my degree but found too much time had elapsed for me to continue where I left off. If I wanted to get my degree I would have had to start all over again.

I gave up and went back to temping, working in civil service roles for the Ministry of Justice and the Government Legal Department. These roles interested me more but were still administrative roles and I felt trapped, without the qualifications I needed to progress my career.

It all felt a bit hopeless but I was determined and did a lot of research, looking at how I might get the opportunity to study. I found out about CILEX and the CPQ which seemed ideal as it would allow me to study flexibly around work and childcare commitments. As things stood, however, I couldn’t see how I would be able to afford the course any time soon.

When I heard about the scholarship programme, I didn’t think I would be accepted because I was too old, but the team assured me it was worth applying and that there wasn’t an age limit. I went for it and was delighted when I was told the news I had been successful.

The scholarship means I can start studying right away, fitting the CPQ around my part time role at Richmond and Wandsworth Council and care of my daughter who is now three years old. I hope at some stage to move to a role where I can also gain qualifying work experience.

The funding will take me through to qualification as a CILEX Lawyer and the possibility of fulfilling my dream of working as an immigration lawyer."